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Helsbells Bounce and Play

Bouncy Castle and Soft Play Hire Glynneath, Neath

If you're looking for an exciting and entertaining addition to your event in Glynneath, Neath, hiring bouncy castles is a fantastic choice. Bouncy castles are a guaranteed hit among children and even adults, providing endless fun and laughter. Whether it's a birthday party, school fair, corporate event, or any other occasion, renting a bouncy castle can take the excitement to the next level.

Glynneath, located in the vibrant area of Neath Port Talbot, offers a range of options when it comes to hiring bouncy castles. We provide a wide selection of bouncy castles in various sizes, themes, and designs to suit different preferences and party themes. From traditional castle-shaped inflatables to those featuring popular cartoon characters or sports themes, there's something for everyone.

Hiring a bouncy castle in Glynneath from us is a hassle-free process. We offer flexible hire periods, allowing you to choose the duration that fits your event's schedule. We also take care of delivery, setup, and takedown, ensuring a smooth experience from start to finish.

Safety is a top priority when hiring bouncy castles. We adhere to strict safety standards, regularly inspecting and maintaining their inflatables. We provide safety instructions and guidelines to ensure everyone enjoys the bouncy castle experience.

So, whether you're planning a small gathering or a large-scale event in Glynneath, Neath Port Talbot, hiring a bouncy castle is a fantastic choice that will bring joy and excitement to all attendees.

For any enquiries or questions do not hesitate to contact us!

Telephone: 07710 528976

Email: helsbellsbounceandplay@gmail.com

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